Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel Page 8
“Touch yourself, Lacey. Get there, I’m right behind you.”
Lacey felt the blush heat her cheeks as she moved her hand between them, feeling the quiver of his abdominal muscles as she stroked her clit. The climax hit her hard and fast, dragging every sensation to that one spot, the feeling of him moving inside her making it so much more than ever before.
Gunner watched, his eyes on her the entire time, and then he buried his head in her neck as his own movements became jerky and he came. It was a strange feeling to have the barrier of latex between them after it not being there the first time. It didn’t detract from the experience at all for her, but she wondered if it did for him.
Gunner collapsed onto the bed beside her and dragged her until she lay over his body, his arms around her. They remained silent for a few minutes then he lifted his head and looked down at her, his eyes warm and gentle.
“I need to get rid of this condom. Don’t move.” He kissed her nose and disappeared into the bathroom. Lacey watched the way his muscles bunched in his back and the sexy curve of his ass as he went.
“I feel you watching me, woman.” His voice was teasing, and she liked it, but then she seemed to like everything about this man.
“I like watching you. It’s not every day a woman gets a real live Viking in her bed.”
Lacey turned on her side, the skirt still around her waist as he sauntered back from the bathroom, naked as the day he was born. It was hard not to admire that kind of beauty, not perfection—the scars on his body would never allow him to be traditionally perfect in the fake world of the media—but he was real perfection, each mark telling his story.
Gunner covered her body laughing. “Woman, stop objectifying my body. I’m not a piece of meat you know.”
Lacey laughed as he hauled her into his arms and held her, so she was pressed against him and kissed her head.
“Oh, you’re something all right.”
Her hand on his chest was covered with his own, and he kissed her fingers as they lay quiet, just enjoying being together.
“I like this, just being here with you.”
“I like you being here with me, too.” Lacey could admit to herself that she was falling for him fast, but she didn’t say it out loud not wanting to scare him off. Gunner had enough on his plate without the added pressure of her declaring her feelings for him. She wouldn’t know for another ten days if their time together in Germany had created a child. Lacey wouldn’t push him into a corner so that he had nowhere to go.
So many of Gunner’s choices had been taken away from him and she wouldn’t take any more from him. So, she’d enjoy what they had, and if they had made a child together, they would deal, and if not, it gave them different choices to make. She just hoped that whatever happened she didn’t end up with a broken heart.
Chapter 11
Gunner trudged through the woods behind Lacey’s house looking for more signs of the men who’d been watching and found nothing. True to their word, the men of Eidolon had come through and every night since the attack on Lacey’s sanctuary there had been someone there at night.
He’d hardly left her side since that day, either. Choosing to do his work from there on a computer Will had set up for him in the spare room. Lacey had her home office, so it worked well. The two times he’d gone into Eidolon to make it seem to the two idiots watching him that he was indeed working his way back in, he’d left Lacey with either Evelyn or Roz and Kanan.
Roz might be heavily pregnant, but she was still the deadliest woman he knew, and he wouldn’t cross her even now. Her husband Kanan was ex-MI5 and equally deadly. He now worked for Fortis Security, a friend of Eidolon’s and their frequent ally.
Gunner looked up, trying to find Waggs, his former or maybe current teammate; he wasn’t sure what the state of play was yet. They’d been treating him like they forgave him, but he could still sense the undercurrent of wariness in some, especially Blake. He understood it, probably more so now he had Lacey.
If anyone had watched her take the same beating that Pax had and not stopped it, he’d lose his damn mind. It was one of his biggest regrets, and he had a lot of them. He’d tried to apologise, but in truth Blake wasn’t ready to hear it yet, and Gunner respected that.
Waggs stepped out in front of him, and he almost jumped out of his skin. The man was spooky the way he could just appear like that, and he was one hell of a medic. Each man on the Eidolon team owed him their life at least once.
“Fucking hell, Waggs, you scared the shit out of me.”
Waggs had been the quickest to accept him back, and he would never betray that trust ever again, not any of them, he’d die first.
Waggs smirked and shrugged. “Losing your edge, Viking.”
“Nah, just things on my mind.”
“One of those wouldn’t be a certain ex-model, would they?”
Gunner cocked his head. “That obvious?”
“Duh, you’ve hardly been discreet about it, but I wasn’t sure if it was for the benefit of anyone watching from the Carmine camp or if it was real.”
Waggs and Gunner continued walking through the woods toward the river, checking all the wires were in place and satisfied they were, began the walk back to the house.
“Oh, it’s real, alright. I’ve never felt like this about a woman before.”
Waggs angled to look at him. “I thought you two would get together at Skye and Nate’s wedding, but then everything happened, and your life blew up.”
“I think we might have, but I guess things happen for a reason.”
“You believe that?”
Gunner shrugged. “I have to. Otherwise, all the shit that’s happened is for nothing. If Lacey is my reward for surviving, then it’s worth it. My penance is living with what I’ve done to those people I care about.”
“You think that’s enough? Just to live with what you’ve done and go on and have a perfect life with Lacey?”
Gunner stopped and focused on Waggs, seeing no condemnation or blame just a question in the other man’s eyes.
“No, I don’t and if there were a way to make what I did good then I would, but there isn’t so I have to live my life as best I can. If I’m lucky enough to have a woman like Lacey care about me, don’t I owe it to her to give the same back?”
“Yes of course and I’m not talking about you, I just mean in general. We all know you’ve punished yourself for what happened. Have you been to see Milla yet, since you got back?”
“No, I haven’t had time.”
Waggs just lifted his head but stayed silent. He knew the truth, so he didn’t need Waggs to spell it out. He was ashamed to go and see her knowing that once again, her life had been affected by his actions.
“You should go.”
“Yeah, I will when all this is sorted out.”
They had reached the large back lawn now and were walking toward the house. Lacey waved at them through the office window, and he smiled, feeling his heart jump at the smile she gave him. He waved back and knew Waggs was watching him and didn’t feel the slightest bit self-conscious.
He walked into the house and saw Waggs head around the side, blending back into the land surrounding the house and keeping watch. Taking the stairs two at a time, he headed to the office and grinned when he saw Lacey was on a video call with Skye. He tried to back out and give her privacy, but she turned.
“Gunner, Skye wants to know if we’re free for dinner tomorrow night with her and Nate and Mitch and Autumn?”
“Come on, Gunner, say yes and let me interrogate you as a good friend should.”
Lacey blushed and shot her friend a glare which he thought was adorable.
“If Lacey wants me there, then that’s where I’ll be.”
Skye clapped her hands and smiled. “Yes. Lacey, I’ll text you the details later. Now I have to go and scrub paint out of the fridge before Nate gets home and Nancy gives him those big eyes. I tell you, that child can literally wrap her daddy around her litt
le finger.”
“As it should be.”
Skye got a dreamy, faraway look. “Yeah, you’re right. Okay, catch you later.”
Skye disappeared from the screen, and Lacey spun to look at him. “You sure you’re okay with this? I don’t want you doing something just to keep my friends happy.”
“I’m sure, and she has an obligation as your friend make sure your man isn’t a complete dickhead, at least to you.”
Lacey stood and walked into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder. She looked tired which he knew in part was his fault from keeping her up at night making love, but the rest was stress and her working herself hard. He rubbed his hand over her back, before capturing her nape under the silky blonde hair she wore down today.
“You good, Cosmo?”
“Yeah, just feeling a little restless today.”
“You want to go out? Maybe head into town for some lunch and walk around the shops?”
Lacey cocked her head. “You’d do that?”
“Cosmo, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Her smile and the light in her eyes were worth any shopping trip. “Thank you.”
She went up on tiptoes and kissed him, and he pulled her close, addicted to her taste before releasing her.
“Let’s go before I change my mind.”
Lacey giggled, and soon they were wandering around Hereford. He loved seeing his hometown through her eyes and the glee on her face when she saw the Cathedral in all its glory. He’d sold his house when everything had gone down with Osbourne, not feeling like he deserved a home here and believing he’d never be back. Being here with her was a minor miracle and one he was cherishing every second of.
Waggs was right; he didn’t deserve to have this joy in his life, but he’d be a fool to turn his back on it. He’d do whatever he could to right his wrongs for his team, as he’d done with Milla and his grandmother. As selfish as it may be, walking away from Lacey wasn’t something he could do.
They were in the Left Bank shop near the river paying for some artisan bread when he heard his name and froze.
He turned slowly and came face to face with Frederick Granger. His hand automatically tightened around Lacey’s as he moved so she was slightly behind him. He had no idea what Granger’s game was, but he didn’t trust him in the slightest.
“I hear you’re working for my son again.”
So that was his game, a fishing expedition to find out what was going on. Did that mean that the information he was passing to Bás wasn’t getting through or that he was being kept out of the loop?
“Yes, it’s early days but I think we’re coming to an understanding.”
Frederick was an elegant man, tall like his sons and fit from his army days with a formal, imposing bearing. Even now he wore a suit, no chance of him being caught in a pair of jeans. His hair had been dark like Jack’s, and there was a definite resemblance, but his hair was now greying. Unlike Jack and Will, this man didn’t have a shred of decency in him, and the concept of family meant nothing.
Gunner seethed to think what he’d put them all through. If he had his way, Frederick would be dead or locked up already, but he knew an operation like this needed careful handling and was happy to let Jack and Will take the lead seeing as this man had given them life.
“And who is this?” Frederick looked around Gunner at Lacey, and he tensed before relaxing, not wanting to give anything away.
Gunner turned slightly giving Frederick access to Lacey even though his instincts screamed for him not to do so. “This is a friend of mine, Lacey Cannon.”
“Frederick Granger, Jack and William’s dad. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lacey.” He held out his hand and Gunner almost lost his mind when the man bent and kissed her hand as if it was a gallant gesture instead of the veiled threat it actually was. He pulled Lacey away and saw Frederick smirk knowingly.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr Granger.”
“Please, call me Frederick.”
Gunner wanted to puke as the smarmy bastard tried to charm Lacey. He just needed to get out of there and get her away from the man.
“We can’t stop, we have a table booked.”
“Well, I won’t keep you. Stay safe and make sure you look after this young lady. The world is a dangerous place.”
The threat was clear, and it made him want to turn around and throw Frederick Granger into the river below the bridge where they stood.
Gunner forced himself to walk slowly instead of running to the car and getting Lacey out of there.
“Was that really Jack and Will’s father?”
“Hmm. I guess they get their charm from their mother then.”
Gunner threw back his head and laughed as he ushered her into the car, cutting their trip short with no explanation and no consultation and she didn’t bat an eyelid, seemingly understanding something wasn’t right and not making a fuss.
“You’re one quick cat.”
Lacey smiled and buckled her seat belt. “At least we got the bread I’ve been fancying for dinner tonight. I thought we could have it with cheese and stuff in bed. Like a bednic instead of a picnic.”
“Sounds perfect but I need to stop at Eidolon first. Are you happy to come with me or do you want me to drop you at home?”
“I’ll come with you.”
Gunner took her hand and kissed her palm before resting their hands on his thigh. “Good answer.”
Chapter 12
Lacey had no clue what the undercurrent of hostility that had been radiating from Gunner had been about regarding Frederick Granger, but she trusted him and if he didn’t trust him, then neither did she. Plus, she absolutely hated it when men thought they could kiss her without asking first. Although she had to concede that when Gunner did it, it was different.
Eidolon wasn’t what she expected. It was so high tech it made her brain hurt. A guarded gate which meant someone had to buzz them in and cameras were watching their every move once they were inside.
“Eidolon does security for the Royals, right?”
Gunner drove around the back but glanced at her first. “Yes.”
“This seems a little overkill for a security company.” She waved her hand at the razor-wire fences and the cameras. “I mean the training course I get but the rest?”
Gunner parked next to a wicked-looking bike and a high-end Land Rover Discovery and then angled toward her. “I guess it is, but they do other stuff too.”
“This other stuff. If you tell me will you have to kill me?” Lacey grinned as she tilted her head at him, teasing.
“Kind of, yes.”
Lacey had her suspicions before, but now she knew that whatever they did was way more than just ensuring the safety of the Queen. Eidolon literally meant Ghost, and she realised they were a Ghost Ops team.
“Can I ask you one question?”
Gunner picked up her hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “You can ask me anything, Cosmo.”
“Do you have multiple passports?”
Gunner looked surprised by her question, but then he chuckled. “Yes, Lacey, I have more than one passport.”
“Okay. Enough said.”
Her understanding now complete, it made her feel both better and worse. Better because she knew Carmine would never get past Gunner and worse because she realised that whatever had happened to put him in the middle of Eidolon, this mystery person was so much more deadly than she’d thought.
“We good?”
Lacey pursed her lips. “Yes, but promise me you’ll be careful.”
Gunner cupped the back of her head and brought her lips close to his, leaning his forehead against hers.
“You don’t need to worry about me, Cosmo. I fucking love that you do. It makes me want to take you to bed and show you how much and in multiple ways, but you really don’t need to worry.”
“Okay, Gunner, I trust
you to stay safe.”
He took her lips in a soft kiss that stole her breath and left her wanting more when he pulled away.
Lacey looked up and laughed. “Oops.”
Gunner got out of the car and crossed to her side and grabbed her hand as they walked to the main doors where Liam was waiting with a smirk on his face.
“Caught you kids necking on the camera. Thought I was gonna have to rinse my eyes with bleach if Gunner got his todger out.”
Gunner punched him in the shoulder as he passed, and Liam laughed harder.
“You’re disgusting.”
“So, Taamira tells me, but she loves me anyway.”
Lacey caught the way Liam locked the door using his thumbprint and she followed Gunner and Liam through the hallway and past another door which had a retina scanner which Liam used to open the door. The protocols at this place were ridiculous, but after what she’d learned in the car, she now understood it a little better at least.
Once through the door, the place opened up into a series of offices, one of which Autumn was working in with baby Maggie on the floor at her feet. Lacey gave her a little wave, and Autumn waved back. Then she passed a gym with a full fitness suite including a treadmill, weights, benches, a climbing wall, and a massive boxing ring which was empty.
A smell of food hit her, and she remembered she hadn’t eaten since last night. It was a regular occurrence for her to forget to eat, and then she would eat loads to catch up. It wasn’t great, but she’d always been the same.
Still holding her hand Gunner walked her into a break room that was way more luxurious than any break room she’d been in. It had tables for eating, as well a couch, a television, and games station.
Lacey grinned when she saw Pax with Blake and Evelyn and Astrid sitting together.
“Hey, Lacey,” Pax said, standing to greet her with a hug. Lacey hugged her back and let go of Gunner to sit.