Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel Read online

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  Carmine had thought it all a game at first, but when he realised she meant it, he’d begun to send her gifts and turn up at her shoots until she’d known she had to leave and make a fresh start. She never expected it to be her friend’s wedding where she’d make a clean break and in such a fashion.

  The scars from that still had the power to break her if she let them but with therapy and support from good friends like Skye, Lizzie, and surprisingly Roz, she’d managed to get her life back on track.

  Deciding to move here to this tranquil piece of England and work with Callie Lund, another model and who was now engaged to Reid, one of the guys who had saved her that day, had felt right—good.

  Her phone rang on her nightstand, where it was charging, and she moved to answer it, wondering who it was at this time of the morning—barely seven am.

  Lacey smiled as she saw the name on the ID said ‘Skye’ and answered.

  “Morning, sweetie. Hope I didn’t wake you, but I wanted to catch you before you got busy in the office and forgot the outside world existed.”

  Lacey couldn’t deny that when she started to design her kids and teens range she got utterly lost in it.

  “Actually, I have a meeting with Callie and Taamira today to go over the range for next summer. I want their take on it.”

  “Oh, good. That makes my life easier.”

  Lacey could hear Nancy in the background and knew Skye was probably feeding the kids breakfast while she talked. The sound of Nate’s deep voice close to the phone, calling hello, and then kissing his wife before heading out made her smile for her friend. Skye deserved every second of happiness she got, and anyone could see that man loved her to bits.

  Ignoring the little bite of longing, she concentrated on what Skye had said instead. “Life easier how?”

  “Girls night tonight, all of us are going. It’s time to leave the kids with their dads and head out on the town. Can you invite Callie, and Taamira? I’ll get Roz to ask Evelyn, Pax, and the others. I already asked Autumn, and she’s up for it too.”

  Lacey was about to try and wriggle out of it but then realised a girl’s night was exactly what she needed. “Fine, I’ll speak to them. What’s the plan?”

  “Why don’t you come here and get ready with me like we used to, minus the Lambrini and grape 20/20.” Skye gave a mock shudder over the phone, which made Lacey smile. “Autumn is coming here too. She’s awesome and you’re going to love her.”

  “Sounds good. What time?”

  “Come over around six, and we can get some food in before we get ready. I’m way too old for drinking on an empty stomach. Eating is definitely not cheating.”

  Lacey laughed, and a few minutes later they hung up. Lacey was still smiling as she walked back out onto the balcony and froze as she saw a man standing at the tree line to her property that led toward the river. Stepping back, she reached for her phone, and when she spun around, he was gone.

  She looked for any sign of someone hanging around but found nothing and then felt silly. The break-in at the hotel had been a disgruntled hotel employee, and hers hadn’t been the only room trashed. She’d been grateful when the hotel manager called to tell her and decided against filing charges, just wanting a quiet life but now she saw threats where there was only sunshine, and she cursed her paranoia.

  With a shake of her head, she brushed the silliness away and went to get ready for her day, a spring in her step at the thought of girl’s night with her new friends. It was Friday night, she had plans for the first time in ages, and it felt good. The only thing she had to do was to get through tonight without drinking or arousing her friend’s suspicions about it. Explaining her one-night stand with Gunner wasn’t something she was ready for just yet.

  Eight hours later, Lacey realised that not spilling her guts to her friends was going to be more challenging than she thought. They had eaten dinner of homemade fajitas, and she’d met Autumn who was every bit as lovely as Skye had said she was. Mitch had walked her over to Nate and Skye’s home, which was just a few doors away despite her telling him it wasn’t necessary.

  Skye grinned as Mitch backed away with Maggie, Autumns baby daughter in his arms and waved at Autumn. “That man is head over heels for you.”

  “I know,” Autumn sighed, and Lacey laughed.

  “I don’t think he’s the only one head over heels.”

  Autumn blushed but didn’t deny it.

  They had gotten ready to the sound of Nate bathing Nancy, and Noah calling out his times tables from the bedroom as Nate quizzed him. It was chaos and beautiful, and Lacey would give her right arm for a life like this. She continued applying her mascara as she considered how she would feel if she was carrying Gunner’s baby and found that while it wasn’t the ideal situation, she wouldn’t regret it or see it as a bad thing. If she was honest with herself and she always tried to be these days, she wanted to be pregnant.

  As it was still light, the three women had decided to walk into town. The bar where they were meeting the others wasn’t far away. Nate had insisted they get a cab, but Skye had told him he was ridiculous and had seemingly won that battle, but as Waggs stepped out from his front door where he rented a room from Mitch, it became apparent that Skye hadn’t won, Nate had just beaten a tactical retreat.

  “Evening, ladies, out for a stroll?”

  Autumn cocked her eyebrow at the blond-haired man who was Eidolon’s field medic and had looked after Lacey after her kidnapping. He gave her a chin lift hello, and she remembered how safe he’d made her feel as he treated her. A gentle warrior with an air of calm he’d made her feel less afraid.

  “Waggs, I see you got the short straw of walking us into town.”

  Waggs held up his hands in surrender. “Just taking a walk.”

  He fell into step beside them, and Skye took out her phone and texted someone.

  “Nate is acting all innocent.”

  Autumn shrugged. “They care. It’s hard to be mad at that.”

  “I guess.”

  They got to the door of the Gin bar and stopped, and Lacey glanced at Waggs. “Thank you for escorting us, but I think we have it from here, unless you want to join girl’s night for a dance?”

  Waggs, the scary military-trained Special Forces soldier, practically blanched at her invitation.

  “No thanks, I’m good.” With that he was gone, and giggling, she and the others were swallowed into the bar.

  Lacey had never accepted so many hugs in her life. Evelyn, who was married to Alex, who’d been the fake priest when Carmine kidnapped her and demanded she marry him. Pax who was engaged to Blake, Callie and Taamira, who she knew really well and now partnered with. They were also dating Reid and Liam, respectively. A heavily pregnant Roz sat next to Astrid, who was stunning and could’ve easily been a model herself. Skye was talking to Ava, Lauren, and Lucy about a first birthday cake for Lucy’s daughter. Aubrey and Mara were out on the dance floor with Bebe, and Lacey was just taking it all in.

  “Ladies, the gentlemen over there just sent these over.” A waitress set a tray full of shots on the table and Lacey looked around to where she’d indicated and laughed as she saw what could only be described as a horde of Special Forces husbands and partners watching the women they loved.

  “How did they get out?” Lauren asked as she took the shot and knocked it back.

  “The in-laws, I bet,” Skye said, knocking back her shot with a shake of her head.

  Lizzie leaned in close. “Don’t worry, they won’t crash the party until we give them the green light. They know they get no monkey sex otherwise.”

  Lacey giggled at the image of these men chomping at the bit to get to their women but holding back because they didn’t want to unleash their wrath.

  “Ha. like I can do monkey sex in my state,” Roz grumbled.

  “Quit whining, Roz. Everyone knows you love being pregnant.”

  Roz just glared at Astrid. “I think I have a new assignment for you in Antarctica.”
r />   “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, we both know I would.”

  “Roz, did you get the girls to look at the designs I sent you?”

  Roz beamed and started telling Lacey what her girls Natalia and Katarina had thought about the designs, and Astrid mouthed her thanks to her.

  “Hey, Lacey, your shot.” Skye lifted the glass to her, and Lacey froze, panic setting in as her friends watched her expectantly.

  “No, I don’t fancy it.”

  “Oh, come on, Lacey.”

  “Forget it. She’s been dumping her drinks all night.” Bebe walked up behind her and Lacey turned to glare at the woman.

  Skye frowned, closing one eye and crossed her arms. “Spill it.”

  “I’m just not drinking at the moment.”


  Lacey crossed and uncrossed her legs the sequin mini skirt riding up her toned thighs. “Do I need a reason?”

  “No, but you have one. Are you pregnant?”

  “No, yes, maybe?”

  The table erupted in squeals which had a few of the men—Zack and Alex if she wasn’t mistaken—moving toward them only to stop when Evelyn shook her head. She’d have laughed if her best friend didn’t have her pinned with a no-bullshit look.

  “Well, which is it?”

  Lacey sighed, wishing she was better at this kind of stuff. Every woman at the table was staring now waiting for the gossip they knew was coming. “I might be, but I don’t know yet.”

  “How did this happen?”

  Lacey shrugged. “The usual way. I had sex and forgot to use protection.”

  “Wow, was it wild, blow your head amazing sex?” Astrid asked, leaning in close.

  “Yes.” Lacey couldn’t eradicate the memory of her night with Gunner and now allowing herself to relive it, she realised it had been all that and more.

  “Do we know him?” Skye had finally put the shot back on the table.

  Lacey wasn’t sure what to do now. She didn’t want to lie, but she had a feeling something had happened with Gunner and Eidolon that was bad, and half these women were married or engaged to Eidolon operatives. Would they give her the answers she found herself needing, or would they confuse her more? Knowing the only answers that would plague her were the ones she didn’t know, she decided to be honest. “Yes. It was Gunner.”

  “Eidolon’s Gunner?” Pax said slowly as she placed her drink on the table.

  Lacey looked across at Pax who had glance across at her fiancé Blake.


  “Oh, girl. What did you do?” Skye asked sadly.

  Lacey realised as the table went deafeningly silent that she’d just made a huge mistake.

  Chapter 7

  He’d known the second he set foot in Hereford that he had eyes on him, and they weren’t Eidolon. That wasn’t unexpected, and the men watching him were low-level punks meant to, in Bás’ words, keep him on track. If they were trying to scare him, then Osbourne honestly had no idea who Gunner was or that he had fuck all left to lose.

  Except he did now—maybe he did now, and that was how he found himself standing in the forest at the back of Lacey’s new home looking up at the dark house that overlooked the river. He’d been around this part of town before and liked it a lot, although it was way out of his budget with all the fees he paid for Milla, and honestly, a house was just a place to sleep for him, so he didn’t need fancy rooms or big gardens.

  But none of that was on his mind right now. His main concern centred around the two men watching Lacey’s house. These weren’t like the thugs watching him; no, these two had training. Unlucky for them, he’d had more training and tactical awareness. That was another thing to come from Eidolon. It wasn’t enough to be the best sniper or an explosives expert; you had to be the best at all of it.

  Jack made sure they could survive in a jungle, in the mountains in the dead of winter, and every other condition known to man, because they’d never known where their missions or work for the Royal Family would take them. They needed to be ready for the ugliest humanity had to offer.

  Gunner had a choice to make, but before he got the chance to make it, he saw headlights pull into Lacey’s drive and the excitement at seeing her again made his body feel energised. Moving closer but keeping aware of the men watching her, he frowned when he saw Waggs get out of the car and walk Lacey to her door.

  Jealousy slithered through him, and he had the sudden urge to punch his teammate in the face. He had no right. Lacey didn’t belong to him, most likely never would, but it didn’t stop his feet moving toward the front door when he saw Waggs follow her inside and close the door.

  He watched from the shadows, doubt slithering through him as he waited to see if his former friend would leave quickly. But as the minutes ticked on and he didn’t, Gunner could feel the anger begin to course through his blood. Breaking cover, he walked up to the door and was surprised when it opened, and he saw Waggs standing there with his arms crossed baring his way.

  Waggs had always been the quiet one, the calm one under pressure. He and Gunner had gotten on well, but as Waggs glared at him now, he knew the resentment at what he’d done still ran deep, and he didn’t blame him. But this wasn’t about that; this was about the woman who was standing behind Waggs looking nervous.

  “Decided to stop hiding, Gunner?”

  “Why are you here, Waggs?”

  Waggs glanced back at Lacey with a grin and tipped his head. “What’s it to you?”

  Gunner clenched his fists and then forced calm into his voice. “Can we do this inside?”

  Once again Waggs glanced at Lacey who nodded, filling him with relief. He had no idea what they’d told her about him and in truth, he had no defence. Whatever they said he’d done was true, and if she wanted nothing to do with him, he wouldn’t blame her. But he wouldn’t abandon her or his child if there was one, no matter how much she hated him.

  Waggs stepped back from the door and allowed him to walk past before he closed the door and followed both him and Lacey inside. The house was perfectly Lacey, open airy and yet warm and inviting. He knew she’d only just moved in and yet he could already see flashes of her personality here and there.

  It was a home, not just a house, and he felt it was in no small part to the woman who was looking at him with wariness in her eyes. He drank in the short silver sequin skirt that hugged her creamy thighs and the black camisole top that showed just the hint of cleavage. She was stunning and classy and way too good for him, but he couldn’t remember wanting someone the way he wanted her.

  Not just in a physical way, although God knew she brought him to his knees with wanting her but being close to her and hearing about her day. Eating dinner with her or even just watching tv together while she was in his arms.

  “Can we talk, Cosmo?”

  Lacey looked wary, and he could see the hurt on her face at the way he’d left in Germany. He never explained himself, but he felt the need deep inside him to right the wrong he’d done to her.

  “I can stay if you need me to, Lacey?” Waggs crossed his arms as he moved closer to the woman who was fast coming to mean everything to Gunner.

  “What the fuck is your problem, Waggs? I get that you hate my guts but don’t ever think for one second that Lacey is in any danger from me. I would rather rip out my own heart than hurt a hair on her head.”

  He saw Lacey’s eyes widen in surprise at his outburst, but his concentration was firmly on Waggs.

  “Is that what you think? That I hate you? I don’t hate you, Gunner. I just don’t trust you.”

  Gunner took that blow even though it hurt like hell because he deserved it. “I get that, but I promise you on Milla’s life, I won’t hurt this woman.”

  Waggs stared at him for a moment, not giving anything away before he looked at Lacey.

  “It’s fine. Thanks for seeing me home and checking the house for me. I don’t know why it spooked me.”

  “No problem, Lacey. A friend of Skye�
�s is a friend of mine. That woman can bake.”

  Lacey sputtered out a laugh. “That she can.”

  Gunner stayed put while Lacey walked Waggs to the door and let him out, locking up behind him. When she turned, she had her arms crossed over her midriff in a protective gesture which he hated. Everything in him wanted to go to her and pull her against him but did he even have the right after he’d left? More than that, should he pull her closer into his orbit when it would likely put her in more danger?

  His mind went to the men outside in the woods, and he figured it was already too late. She was already in danger, certainly from the people he was forced to work with but maybe others too and he needed to find out who they were, but first he needed to wipe that look of despair off her face.

  “Come here, Lacey.”

  He’d thought she’d refuse, but she made a tentative step towards him, and he moved the rest of the way, opening his arms up to her and feeling ten feet tall when she moved into his embrace.

  Her scent surrounded him, wiping out all the doubt that had slithered through his mind like an ugly serpent. As her arms came around him and she settled against him, everything seemed right with the world. He wanted to stand there and bask in the moment, freeze time so they could stay this way and not face the questions and recriminations he knew would come when she found out what he’d done.

  He felt her shiver against his chest and rubbed her arms with his hands before kissing her head. “Let’s sit down for a minute.”

  Lacey seemed fortified as he let her go and instantly hated the distance between them. Everything in him wanted to take her to bed and reaffirm the connection they’d shared in Germany, but he was loathe to push her into anything further without the facts.

  “Would you like a drink? Tea, coffee?”

  Gunner shook his head. “No, thanks.” He followed her into the kitchen where she poured herself a glass of water and then sat at the island facing the back of the house. He thought about the men watching her home and was glad she’d closed the blinds.