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Broken Butterfly_A Fortis Security Novel Page 4
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Zack looked around, and a smile tipped his face, “I used to have a company come in but since we moved everyone in, I’ve gotten rid of them, and Colin, Mimi, David, and Reg have taken it over. They love it, and I have to say,” he said looking around him, “it’s never looked so good. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” They had reached the outer edge of the estate near the wood that bordered the property.
“When I was on the Isle of Man at Rhea Winslow’s residence, I tried to do some recon. I couldn’t do a lot because the Butcher was constantly on my shoulder. I did see something disturbing though, and I should have said something before, but with the shooting and the wedding it didn’t seem like a good time.” Zack stopped and faced him, hands on hips, his face a mask. Zin mirrored him, his gaze steady. “I think Lizzie Bennett is alive and being held by Winslow.”
Zack sucked in a breath. “Motherfuckers bastards!” Zack exclaimed and whirled, his fists clenched as if looking for something to punch. His face had taken on a dangerous look that promised pain and retribution.
Zin continued as Zack glared at him steadily. “I also know for a fact Smithy is alive and I think he has taken to protecting Lizzie. I can’t be sure, which is why I hesitated to say anything. The last thing Lucy or Dane need is false hope, but if it were me, I would want to know.”
Zin was expecting the barrage of questions that came his way.
“What exactly did you see?”
“I saw a woman with dark hair in a hospital bed. She had a frame all around the bottom of the bed as if she had sustained injuries to her legs or pelvis. I only saw her in profile, but she looked like Lucy which was what caught my immediate attention and made me look closer.”
“Was she conscious?” Zack asked.
“I think so, but it was difficult to tell, and I only saw her for a minute before someone came.”
“What about Smithy?”
“He is definitely alive, and I saw him on the island. He didn’t recognise me at all, but we have only met once, briefly. He seems like he is under the influence of the drug the Watchers use because he is like a robot.”
“What makes you think he is protecting Lizzie?”
Zin looked towards the house as the door opened and Ava walked out. “There was a rumour that one of the soldiers had grown increasingly protective of a female patient and was refusing to leave her side. The others and the Butcher couldn’t understand why Winslow was putting up with it.”
“The three sisters!” Zack said with sudden understanding.
“That would be my thinking. That’s why she is safe, for now,”
“What about Smithy?”
“I think he is fighting the drug, and Lizzie is a link for him, not necessarily one he understands but one he feels protective of.”
Ava was nearly with them when Zack spoke, “You should have said something sooner, but I understand why you didn’t. Does anyone else know?”
Zin shook his head. “No, nobody,”
Zack nodded and then turned to Ava. “Hey, Mrs Cunningham, miss me already?” he asked with a grin as he slipped an arm around her waist. Ava smiled up at him with such love that Zin felt a claw in his gut, which he recognised as jealousy, not jealousy of them, but of what they had. That connection and love that had no doubt and no apology. They had the knowledge that they went to bed loved and woke up loved. That when they turned over at night, someone was there to hold them. Shaking the thought away he concentrated on Ava.
“No, but I have news about Samson,” she said encompassing him into the conversation. She was a good woman and Zack was lucky to have her.
“The vet called, and it was rat poison. Samson will be fine, but they will keep him in for a few days to be sure and to give him fluids.”
“Thank god,” Zin replied with feeling. That animal meant the world to Celeste, and he couldn’t imagine how she would feel if he had died.
“Yeah, how is Celeste?” Ava asked.
“Let’s head in for lunch, and I’ll update everyone,” Zack answered and kissed her lightly.
“Sure,” she replied and smiled.
“Ava, can I have a sec?” Zin asked.
“Yeah, of course,” she said and turned to Zack. “I’ll meet you up at the house.”
“Okay,” he smiled and kissed her again, “don’t be too long,” he said and winked.
Zack jogged back to the house as Ava and Zin watched.
“He adores you,” Zin said absently.
“I adore him,” Ava replied. “So, what did you need?”
Zin looked at Ava. “I wanted to apologise. I never would have come after you or Riley, and if I scared you, I am sincerely sorry,” he said, his accent thickening with Russian at the discomfort of the situation.
“I know that, and I wasn’t scared. Celeste never doubted you, and I never doubted her. She defended you at every turn, despite the evidence to the contrary.”
Zin nodded. “She is a good friend,”
“Yes, she is. But if you can’t see past her as a friend and see her for what she could be then you lose,” Ava stated.
Zin watched as Ava smiled as she ran backwards towards the house. “In any case, I hear Liam’s going to ask her out, so I guess she isn’t your problem now is she. I can’t see him letting her take bike rides with you then.”
Zin was left standing in the middle of a picturesque English garden with the image of Celeste and Liam in his head. Anger, pure and white hot, flew through his veins at the thought of her lush, sexy body laid bare for someone other than him. His jeans became uncomfortable and tight in the crotch as he imagined her soft ripe curves and her satin soft skin.
Oh no, no fucking way. She was his, and he was done giving her chances to get away. It was about time he showed Celeste Bourdain who he was. He was the Viper, and he was poised to strike!
Chapter Six
Ripples of awareness spiked through Celeste as she fought through the dark, heavy, drug-induced fog. Pain was the first thing that registered. It felt like she had a ten-tonne weight on her shoulder, crushing the joints and making her fingers tingle. Forcing her eyes open, she blinked at the soft evening light that was coming through the window.
She was in a bedroom at the Estate, the walls had dark wood panelling on the bottom, with pale yellow, almost cream wallpaper with birds in elaborate cages on it on the top half of the wall. White ceiling sconces and white a picture rail lending the room a lighter feel, despite the dark wood.
As she looked towards the window, she caught sight of Ava sitting in a chair. She seemed engrossed in the documents she was reading. Her shoulders were slumped, and her face looked strained as if she was tired or worried. She hated to think that she may have somehow done that to her friend. Celeste went to speak, and it came out in a dry croak. Ava’s eyes shot up, and she cast her papers aside as she rushed to her side.
“Oh, Celeste you had me so worried,” she said, tears filling her eyes as she grasped Celeste’s arm and leaned in to hug her gently.
Celeste felt a myriad of emotions flow through her at her friend’s touch. Fear, joy, pain, love, Ava was feeling them all. Fear for her friend and those she loved especially Zack and Riley. Joy that she was finally married to the man she loved beyond reason. Pain as she thought of those who had lost those they loved and so much love she was nearly bursting with it.
The feelings were overwhelming, and Celeste felt her head throb with an oncoming headache. “I’m fine,” she said as she pulled away gently. Normally she was fine with being able to control her response to others, but the drugs were still messing with her ability to control how it affected her.
Ava fussed with a jug of water pouring her a small glass and adding a pink straw. “Here drink this,” she coaxed with the smile of a mother hen.
Celeste tried to sit up, but it was awkward with the pain in her shoulder. Ava tucked a hand behind her head, and Celeste took a long pull on the straw sucking back the cool water, her parched throat rejoiced. “Thank you,�
� she said and sat back.
“Let me help you sit up, and then I’ll fetch doc Turner,” she said as she plumped cushions and helped Celeste get comfy.
“How is Samson?” Celeste asked, and the wobble in her voice belied the fire she felt for her beloved dog.
“He’s fine now. They poisoned him with rat poison,” Ava said calmly and with a hint of anger, “but he is going to be okay and is being well looked after. They said we can go and see him tomorrow and if you’re not up to it, then I’ll go with Zack.”
“Oh, thank god!” Celeste exclaimed, and emotion made her voice sound husky. Samson was more than a dog to her, he was her friend and for a long time her only family, if anything happened to him she would be heartbroken. Pushing the horrid thought away, her mind then turned to her brother. “Has Kanan been in?” Celeste asked her friend.
“Oh yes, I shooed him out about half an hour ago. He has hardly left your side. He sat on one side, and Zin sat there,” she said pointing to a chair pulled up to her left side. “It was testosterone overload in here. You could have choked an elephant on it.”
Celeste tried not to let her stupid heart react to the thought of Zin sitting by her bed all day. They were friends, and that’s what friends did. Ava had done it too. It had nothing to do with that kiss, that awful, wonderful kiss. No, her obsession with the sexy, Russian was over.
Lifting her hand, she felt around her neck and felt the slight bump of the chip there. Yep, no bad dream, she was on the clock, and she needed to live every second of it.
“Can you ask Zack and Kanan to come in please?” Celeste asked Ava as she went towards the door.
Ava turned back to her a slight frown marking her pretty face. “Of course, sweetheart,” she said then smiled.
Ava left, leaving Celeste with her thoughts. How was she going to tell them all that she knew? How did you tell people you cared about that loved ones they thought were dead were alive? That others were in danger, and she was to be used as the tool to start Armageddon and die in the process?
A soft knock on the door interrupted her depressing thoughts. “Come in,” she called.
Liam’s head poked around the door. “You up for visitors, Princess?” he asked in his cockney accent that she loved. She couldn’t help but smile around the Londoner.
“Yes of course,” she said with a grin.
He sauntered into the room, his loose legged gait easy and relaxed. No one would ever see the tormented predator behind that easy cockney wide boy façade unless they really looked hard. Liam was grieving for his friend, another victim of sick Rhea Winslow and her cronies. What made it worse was that Liam blamed himself for some reason that Celeste didn’t know.
“Hey gorgeous!” he said as he bent and kissed her cheek, before dropping his body into the chair beside her.
“Hi, Liam.”
“You sure gave us all a fright. Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, much better thank you.” Liam always made sure to keep from touching her now he knew she could read his thoughts and it saddened her. They chatted about mundane stuff for a few minutes and then she asked, “What happened in the conference room the day Zin faked his attack?” Three of them had gotten a call that day, Liam, Drew, and Zin. Liam had taken a call and thrown his phone across the room and then stormed out.
Liam froze at her question, and she saw his face instantly shut down. “Nothing, just a nuisance call that pissed me off, that’s all,” Celeste raised an eyebrow at his lie. “Seriously, just leave it, Princess,” he said his voice hardening.
“Fine for now, but soon we will talk. We’re friends, right?’
“Of course, we are.”
“Well, friends ease each other’s burdens,” she stated.
“Yeah, well, how about we talk about you and the big Russian?”
Celeste looked away from Liam’s knowing gaze. “Nothing to talk about. We are friends, just like you and I are.”
Liam burst into a full-on belly laugh at that. “Are you shitting me? That man has got it so bad it ain’t funny. He growls at anyone who dares to put their head around the door of this room.”
“You’re mistaken. Zin has no feelings for me, and what’s more I’m done having any for him,” she said definitely.
Liam leaned in and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “It ain’t that easy Princess, believe me.”
“I have to try,” she whispered throatily, fear at never having Zin hold her a heavy weight, but the fear of him rejecting her again was too great.
“I get it sweetie, but I don’t think we get to choose who we love.”
A tear slid down her cheek. Liam leaned in a swiped it away and kissed her head as he stood.
They both looked up guiltily as a masculine growl came from the door. Zin was standing just inside, his hand on the door jamb as he glared daggers through Liam.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” he said as he stalked towards the bed.
Liam straightened and winked at her. “Bad,” he said as he backed up towards the door hands up in a placating gesture. “Just checking on the princess here,” he said with a big grin as he slipped out the door quietly closing it as he left. She could hear him whistling ‘I will always love you’ as he walked down the hallway, she smiled at that; idiot.
Her heart pounded, and her breath caught when her eyes swept up to the man in front of her. He looked so predatory.
Anger flooded his system, and the irrational need to pound Liam’s head into the ground made his head throb. When he’d walked in and seen Liam kissing Celeste and touching her face so tenderly, he had very nearly flown across the room and ripped him away from her. Throwing Liam out the window at the same time had seemed reasonable. Luckily, he had controlled the impulse, barely.
“That was incredibly rude,” the little pixie in the bed said as she looked him in the eye and stiffened her neck.
Zin smiled she was getting sassy, she must be feeling better. He stalked forward slowly and saw the pulse in her neck jump. Reaching out a hand he stroked the pulse, her skin was silky soft and warm, and tiny goose bumps appeared on her arms. “I see you’re feeling better Pixie,” he said close to her ear, his lips barely skimming the perfect shell. He felt her shiver at his proximity and fought to remember she was recovering from a horrific experience and was still not well. Everything in him wanted to push her back on the big bed and cover her tiny frame with his big body and make her scream his name in bliss as he drove her to climax after climax. He pulled back and gave her some space, continuing to look at her.
“I’m feeling much better. Thank you for rescuing me. You’re a good friend, Zin,” she said to him, her hands were gripping the sheet as she pulled it up. The action caused his gaze to slip down towards the soft swell of her breasts.
He realised she had just called him her friend and hastened to set her straight. “You are mistaken Pixie. We are not friends and never have been.” He went to say more, but the door behind him opened. That did not hold his attention though, what held it was the look of hurt that crossed her pretty face and the pale tone her skin had taken at his words. He’d hurt her and that had never been his intention, he just wanted her to know that she was so much more than a friend to him.
He had no time to rectify his mistake though as Kanan, Zack, Lucy, Roz, and Doc Turner came in.
Turner bustled over to Celeste. “How are you feeling?” he asked, regarding her with a clinical eye.
“Much better thank you. My shoulder aches, but other than that I feel fine. How long have I been out?”
Doc turner consulted his watch. “About eight hours. May I just check you over?” he inquired politely. “May I have some privacy please?” he said as he turned to those around him. Celeste touched the doctors arm softly to get his attention. “It’s okay they can stay. I presume it is just standard blood pressure and stuff?”
The doc nodded.
Zin watched as Celeste stayed still and kept her eyes determi
nedly away from him. Damn, he had really fucked up!
Turner took her blood pressure, checked her pulse, her heart, and her breathing. When he was satisfied, he stepped back with a nod. “You seem fine and should make a full recovery.” He hesitated but then asked, “May I talk to you about what I found, in private?”
Celeste shook her head. “They need to hear this.”
Zin felt his gut curl at the look of absolute dejection and acceptance in her face. Kanan had sat in the chair next to the bed, and he grasped his sisters hand tightly, offering silent support for whatever was about to be said.
Zin felt Roz, who had parked her ass by the door, look at him, but he refused to look her way. Lucy and Zack were standing at the bottom of the bed. Celeste looked so small, surrounded by everyone. He wanted to wrap her up and put her in his pocket, so he always knew she was safe.
“What is it, Celeste?” Zack asked kindly, an encouraging look on his face.
Celeste looked at the bedspread as if gathering her strength, she was still refusing to look at him. Zin wanted to kick his own ass. Looking up she looked him dead in the eye and said words that would haunt him until the day he died.
Chapter Seven
“I have six weeks to live!” The words pinged around his brain like a ball in a pinball machine. He could seem to pin them down or make sense of them. Surely, she hadn’t just said she had six weeks to live? One look at her terrified yet resolute expression told him she had said those words, and his stomach roiled at the implication.
He took a step towards her, to do what he wasn’t sure, offer comfort or seek comfort from her somehow. A cacophony of noise erupted as people fired questions at her left and right and she took on the look of a deer in the headlights, her big doe eyes frightened and overwhelmed. Zin stopped next to her bed and then glared at the others, his anger and despair hot and close to the surface.
“Will you all shut the fuck up,” he bellowed. “Look at her! Can’t you see she’s frightened enough without you all firing questions at her?” The room went silent, and Kanan looked contrite. Zack frowned and looked apologetic, Roz eyed him, a strange look on her face that he couldn’t quite read, and Lucy was hiding her emotions; her face an expressionless mask.