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Broken Butterfly Page 14

  “Where are the bubbles?” she asked as she threw a bag on the floor.

  “Here,” said Ava as she got up and poured Roz a glass of Pink Champagne.

  “Thanks,” Roz grunted and took a huge swallow.

  “Do you want some pie?” Skye asked and rushed for the last piece on the plate as Roz nodded eagerly.

  “Jeez, Skye are you a secret feeder?” Lucy asked as she continued applying sweeps of black mascara to her long eyelashes.

  “I just can’t be the friend that deals with the holding the hair later,” Skye said and shivered in revulsion.

  Celeste listened to them as she tipped her head upside down and sprayed it with hairspray before flipping upright and smoothing it out. She watched the woman in the mirror and thought, not for the first time tonight, how lucky she was to have them. Lauren had worked with her twice more, and she felt that one more session and the virus in the chip would be gone. That alone seemed like a good reason to celebrate.

  She glanced at Roz and saw the cigarette behind her ear again. What the heck was that all about? The cocktails had loosened her tongue she asked. “What’s with the cigarette, Roz?” She heard Lucy snigger and saw Roz shoot her daggers before pushing the rest of the cherry tart away unfinished. She stood and walked to her, slowly, her step measured and sure, her face a cold mask.

  She stopped in front of Celeste and looked down at her coldly. “I just quit, Pixie,” she said, and fire flashed in her eyes.

  Celeste must have a true death wish because that was the only reason the next sentence came out of her mouth. “Is that why you’re always eating sweets?” she asked and then clamped her mouth shut, as Lucy and Ava burst out in belly laughs.

  Roz glared and walked to pick up her bag.

  Oh, shit now she was going to shoot her like she threatened.

  Roz picked it up and opened it pulling out a slinky white dress and turned for the bathroom before stopping and twisting around and glaring at them all. “You do know I am the baddest, most feared assassin in the world, right? The sarcasm was evident in her tone “Can I not a get even a tiny bit of respect from you bitches?” she asked on what was almost a whine.

  “Hey, I just pushed two babies out of my vagina, you don’t scare me,” Lauren laughed, and Skye hi-fived her with a laugh. Lucy rolled her eyes, while Emme and Megan moved closer to Lucy with nervous laughs, and Celeste stood up and walked towards her. Getting close she leaned in and put her arms around Roz who stiffened.

  “You need to get laid,” Celeste whispered and pulled away grinning. “It’s done your brother the world of good.”

  Roz blinked slowly and then pulled back with a huff. “Seriously, disrespectful assholes,” she said and went into the bathroom and slammed the door.

  Everyone burst out laughing and continued to get ready as the drinks flowed, and the good times rolled; well for tonight anyway.


  Zin walked into the kitchen at the Estate and stopped short. Dane was juggling two screaming babies and trying to feed them both.

  “Oh, thank you, god!” he stated a look of complete relief on his face as he stood and thrust a screaming baby into Zin’s arms. He took the screaming infant reluctantly and held him out at arms-length like an atomic bomb.

  “What the hell?” he asked as Dane handed him a bottle.

  “Just put it in his mouth, and he will stop.”

  Zin pushed the teat into Aaron’s open mouth, and instantly he clamped on, and the noise ceased. Loud mewling sounds of complete bliss came from the tiny bundle.

  “Just sit and help me,” Dane implored as Zin sat at the table, pulling the baby into the cradle of his arm. He was shaking inside, worried sick he would hurt the tiny mite.

  “I don’t know how Lauren does it,” Dane said as he pushed a hand through his already messy hair.

  Zin watched the tiny little boy as he sucked the milk down like a champion.

  “He always like this?” Zin asked.

  Dane nodded. “Yep when my boy is hungry, he wants his milk now, no waiting.”

  “He’s finished,” Zin stated.

  “Just put him over your shoulder like this.” Dane showed him how to put the baby over his shoulder. “And tap his back gently.”

  “No!” Zin all but yelled making the baby screw up his face.

  “Why not?” Dane asked with a frown.

  “I might hurt him,” he said and felt his face blanche.

  Dane laughed then.

  “What the fuck Dane?” he asked.

  “You won’t hurt him.”

  “How can you be sure?” Zin asked, genuinely interested in his answer.

  “Because I am, and I’ve seen you with Paige and Riley and Celeste. You would no more hurt an innocent than fly to the moon.”

  Zin looked down and frowned. “You don’t know me,” he said with regret.

  “Bullshit,” Dane spat and then shushed his daughter as she cried. “Bullshit,” he said in a loud whisper. “I know what you did to the butcher, and I would have done the same if it had been one of my sisters. Any of us would have done the same.”

  “You read the report?” he asked shame filling him.

  “I did, and so did Kanan and Daniel. You have our full support brother. He was a sick piece of shit and deserved to die.”

  “I lost control.”

  “Maybe you did, but so would anyone in those circumstances.”

  “Do you think so?” Zin asked as he copied Dane and placed the tiny bundle over his shoulder and gently patted.

  “I know so. I would have given anything to get my hands on the person who hurt Lizzie, and if I get the chance I will,” he stated seriously.

  Zin thought about what Dane was saying, and he could see the truth in the other man’s eyes. “Knowing what I did, you still trust me with your child?”

  “Yes, I trust you with my child. In fact, I’m going to trust you right now, while I go and change little miss stinky bum,” he said and wrinkled his nose up.

  Zin had thought he could smell something bad but hadn’t wanted to say anything. He watched as Dane got up and walked away, leaving him with the tiny person he was holding. “Well, kid, it’s just you and me, so be nice, I’m a first timer.”

  His only reply was a loud burp and a warm feeling down his back.

  “Cheers kid,” he said and gently lifted the baby, so he was looking at him. He cradled his neck with his big hand and felt the tiny, fragile bones there. A feeling of awe filled him as he realised that he was not alone and maybe he was not as bad as he thought. If he could be trusted by someone like Dane, whom he respected, with something so fragile maybe he wasn’t broken inside, just damaged.

  Aaron stretched in his hands and yawned.

  “I guess I’m boring you, then hey little man,” he said, and a small smile curved his face as the child stared intently at him. He had chubby pink cheeks, and big bright eyes and he was kind of cute or as cute as a baby with no hair could be. With another wriggle, the little bundle pulled up his legs and let out the biggest fart he had ever heard. Zin looked on with shock and then burst out laughing. “Kid, you’re disgusting. Grown men don’t do things that bad, and Jesus Christ, you stink,” he said as he felt warmth under his hand. “Oh god, you shit on me,” he stated and turned around to find Dane laughing.

  “That boy can shit for England,” Dane said as he walked towards him. “Here let me take him, Leah is asleep.

  Zin handed the child to its father and backed away slowly.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you,” Dane insisted.

  “I enjoyed it, and thanks for trusting me,” Zin said with sincerity.

  Dane clapped him on the arm. “Anytime man, anytime.”

  Zin turned to leave and walked straight into Nate who’s face looked like thunder.

  “We have a problem,” he said as he walked in. He gestured behind himself, and Dane and Zin followed.

  Out in the passageway waiting for a limo to take them into town were the girls,
and fuck him, Nate was right. They were fucked six ways from Sunday.

  “Shit. Look at them,” Dane said, and he was looking alright. He couldn’t take his eyes off his Pixie. She was drop-dead gorgeous., The rest looked pretty good too, and they were already half drunk!

  “Men, this calls for plan B,” Nate said.

  The other two men nodded.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Zin clenched his fists and tried to control the impulse to tear across the road and punch the little shit that was ogling his Pixie. She looked like a pin-up, better than a pin-up, she looked like sheer perfection. He was sure that Shakespeare himself could not have written words that truly described her beauty.

  He looked over at Jace and the others who didn’t seem to be fairing any better than he was. Dane sidled up next to him as they performed reconnaissance on the targets; the targets being the girls in this instance.

  “What is Nate doing?” he asked quietly as they both looked across the road at Nate— not that the girls could hear them, they had just gone into the Gin Bar.

  “Speaking to his friend on the door. He’s going to try and get us in through the side entrance so the girls won’t see us.”

  “This is fucking ridiculous,” said Will who had been dragged along very reluctantly to help them get Emme and Megan home, since Dane had left Drew with strict instructions not to take his eyes of the twins.

  “Says you. You’re just pissed that you are out in public when the sun is still up vamp boy,” teased Jace.

  “Fuck you, Jace, At least I still own my balls. You lot have handed yours over so the girls can keep them in a jar.”

  “Keep it up, and you won’t have any balls because I’m gonna rip the fuckers off,” growled Kanan, who was apparently along to look out for his sister. The fact that he hadn’t seemed so keen until he’d heard Roz was going was not lost on anyone.

  Will flipped him the bird, but Zin’s attention was on Nate who was beckoning them over. Zack, Dane, K, Will, and he stood from their crouched position behind the line of vehicles and walked across the road to where Nate was standing.

  “Jerry is the head doorman, and he’s going to let us in around the side. I promised him no trouble, so don’t make me a liar, okay.”

  There were several grunts of agreement and then they turned as one and followed Jerry to the side of the building. The Building itself was over two-hundred years old and had once been a prominent priory. The contrast to its former life seemed stark now that it was a bar.

  The inside of the building had been fitted out like a Victorian Gin Palace, with red and gold carpet and wooden flooring. A dark wood bar ran along the entire length of one wall, with all brass fittings. Glass shelves filled with every Gin known to man, along with the usual spirits and beers. Zin immediately scanned the area and spied the girls at the bar.

  They were already attracting attention from men who obviously had no idea the danger they were in just by looking at their women with lust in their eyes. His jaw went hard, and a tick started up in his eye when he saw one particularly suicidal guy check out Celeste’s legs.

  Celeste had on a miniscule beigey coloured leather skirt and a silky cream top that exposed most of her back, showing off her back tattoos. The pinstripes that ran down the back of her gorgeous creamy thighs were lethal to his libido and top that off with those high heeled stiletto shoes, and he was a goner.

  In fact, he like those shoes so much he was going to make her leave them on when he fucked her later that night. His eye caught a flash of white, and he turned to see Roz. She looked good too and more relaxed than he had seen her for a while, as she sipped her usual whiskey.

  He swivelled when he felt someone beside him, and saw Will and Kanan staring too.

  “Wow, they scrub up pretty good,” whispered Will. “Look at the legs on Celeste. I bet they go all the way up, if you know what I mean,” he barely finished the sentence before Zin had him pinned to the wall, by his neck.

  Kanan jumped in between them and wrestled Zin off the younger man. “For fuck sake Will, keep your gob shut. That’s his woman and my sister you’re talking about,” he hissed as he cuffed him around the head.

  “Yeah, sorry, forgot,” he said with a mischievous grin.

  Yeah forgot his ass. Zin shook his head. He watched as Dane, Nate and Zack came into view on the other side of the room and clocked them. Chin lifts were exchanged then their focus turned to the girls and the men that surrounded them.

  Every time a guy showed too much interest in the girls one of them would go in and discreetly extract the poor bastard and evict him without the girls being any the wiser.

  The girls got themselves a tray of drinks each. Yes, a fucking tray each and walked towards a reserved table in an alcove opposite the bar. That was good, at least they had their sides and rear covered now and foot traffic through the middle

  He’d thought the girls sitting down would be better, but as soon as his Pixie sat and crossed her shapely legs, he felt his throat go tight with lust. He could practically see her underwear. Zack and the others had gone to scope out the dance floor for the perfect spot to keep guard.

  He and Kanan were watching from a reasonable distance when some drunk asshole thought he would try his luck with Roz, and grabbed for her ass as she walked to the bar.

  Oh, Fuck now the shit was going to hit the fan!

  Without even breaking stride Roz grabbed his hand, twisted, pulled, and Zin almost felt the pop as his wrist snapped. He winced inwardly but smiled outwardly. The man’s friends quickly scooped him up and started to grumble but Roz was gone, and the bouncers soon shooed them out the door.

  Stupid prick deserved it, why did men think they had the right to do that? It made his blood boil.

  “She’s magnificent, isn’t she?”

  Zin turned to see a look of complete adoration on Kanan’s face. He laughed then and patted him on the back. Poor bastard has it bad, and he has an uphill battle if he wants to win my sister over. He grinned at the thought. “You got it bad, man.”

  Kanan frowned. “You can talk. I’m not sure who hangs off my sister’s every word more, you or Samson.”

  Zin smiled. “I love her man, what can I say.” He watched her throw back her head and laugh and again thought how perfect she was.

  “Well, after what happened with the Surgeon, I know you will protect her, so you have my blessing.”

  Zin had stiffened at the word Surgeon, but his body relaxed, and he felt acceptance and something else, something that resembled kinship flow through him at what Kanan had said.

  “I appreciate that K,” Zin said and thrust out his hand to the man who would one day be his family; he hoped.


  “Wow did you see what Roz just did to that guy?” Celeste asked as she felt her eyes go wide in awe. They had taken over an alcove opposite the bar and across from the dancefloor, it was the perfect spot to people watch.

  “She is the real fucking McCoy,” Lucy said with a nod.

  Celeste took a sip of the pink raspberry Gin and wondered if her legs would even work when she went to stand after all the alcohol she’d had. They had all bought a Gin tray with five glasses, five different mixers and five different mini bottles of Gin. They could mix and match the flavours and mixers, it was fun, but she definitely liked the cucumber one best.

  “So, shall we dance?” The suggestion came from Emme.

  They all nodded and stood, heading to the dance floor that was filling up. They were playing a mix of new pop and some oldies but goodies. Lucy, it turned out was a total pop whore.

  Squeezing their way past men and women, they made it through the throng. Celeste loved the song that was playing, and the Gin had totally loosened her up, so she let the music take her, swaying her hips and waving her hands around as the other girls did the same, giggling when they bumped into someone.

  People were so respectful though. Every time she banged into someone, within seconds they had moved completely away
until they were dancing in their own bubble. They danced for five or six songs and then as a unit went back to their table.

  All the girls had grabbed a drink on the way back, not being silly enough to leave their drinks unattended. Celeste had gone for a cocktail this time; a Sex on The Beach. The fruity flavour quenched her thirst and tasted divine.

  “So, does anyone think it’s weird how we are being left alone? Not to be conceited or anything, but we look hot, yet I haven’t had so much as sniff tonight,” Emmie complained.

  Roz laughed and crossed her long legs. “I think you will find that it’s the Fortis effect.” She took a sip of her Whiskey and eyed the bar area knowingly. Celeste followed her gaze and saw an ass she would recognise anywhere.

  “Those sneaky sods,” she said in outrage

  “Did you only just realise?” Ava asked with a grin.

  “Well yes, didn’t you?” She was surprised the others had known.

  “Lucy told me. She and Roz clocked them when they walked in.”

  “Wow.” Celeste watched Roz smile smugly and grinned.

  “They are good, but Zenobi is better,” Roz bragged, and she and Lucy laughed and clinked glasses. Celeste had never seen Roz drunk, and although she wasn’t now, she was tipsy.

  “Should we invite them over?” Celeste asked as she looked at Zin’s sexy butt and licked her lips.

  “Nah, let them suffer a bit longer,” Ava said. “Serves them right.” She shrugged her shoulders, and they all started talking and giggling about inane things like the latest waxing trends and which shampoo made your hair the shiniest or which actor was the hottest. For perhaps the first time ever she felt normal and it was indescribable. To fit in with such amazing woman and feel like an equal was priceless.

  “I love you guys,” she blurted, and Ava slung an arm around her shoulder.

  “We love you too,” she replied. Roz rolled her eyes and reached for her bag pulling out a wrapped candy.

  “What the fuck is with the sweets?” Lucy asked, and Roz blushed ever so slightly.

  “Public shows of affection set my teeth on edge. If I want sickly sweet this is my go-to,” she said and shoved it in her mouth.