Broken Butterfly Read online

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“That’s it, Pixie. Fuck you feel so tight milking me so hard. Best fucking feeling in the world,” he groaned out as he joined her pumping his climax into her in hot jets that caused more ripples of pleasure to clench her pussy.

  She lent her head back as he leaned his forehead against her shoulder and caught his breath. Gently, he eased her down and held her with his body as she steadied herself.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Best lunch ever,” she sighed happily.

  “Well, technically we haven’t eaten,” Zin said with a wicked grin that made her insides tingle.

  “Um, that’s true. Maybe we should see to that.” Taking his hand, she led him towards the bedroom.

  “I like how you think Pixie,” he grinned lasciviously.

  Oh, yes, this would be a long lunch!

  Chapter Fourteen

  The bike slid to a stop in front of Fortis and Zin turned to help Celeste off the back. Dark clouds littered the horizon. Zin wondered if they were about to get the storm that had been promised. Six straight weeks of sunshine and dry weather was a rarity in this country. The turn in the climate matched his feelings.

  Something was coming, he could feel it as if it was a living thing, a sick feeling of dread wormed its way through his gut. He tried to shake it off by concentrating on Celeste as she walked to the door.

  She had changed into skinny black jeans and pale yellow ribbed vest with ruffles on the front. He’d thought it would be a good idea, but the way the jeans hugged her curves was almost indecent. He sighed and resigned himself to have a semi-hard dick all afternoon. He wondered if this sort of constant need for someone was normal, and then decided he didn’t give a shit if it was or wasn’t.

  Following her into Fortis, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and took it out to see ‘Prez’ on the caller display. He quickly kissed Celeste on the head and indicated his phone as he left her with Ava and went into the empty conference room to take the call.

  “Prez,” he answered, his heartbeat kicking up with adrenalin in the hope that he had some information on the Surgeon.

  “Zin, my man I have some info for you.”

  Relief flooded him, but he kept his cool, slipping into the role of Viper with infinite ease. “Tell me,” he demanded quietly.

  “If I do this, it’s going to hurt some of my business dealings with the Russian’s.”

  “If you don’t, it’s gonna hurt your dealing with this Russian,” Zin replied in a deadly cold tone. The line went silent as Zin let the Prez decided on his course of action.

  “I don’t like to be threatened, Viper,” Prez answered, his tone just as cold.

  “And I don’t like being held over a barrel by a brother when it involves the woman I love,” he stated. “I’ve done plenty for the club these last few years, least of all pulling you free from that shit storm Chunk got you involved in with the Chinese. So, do not fuck me over this!”

  “Okay, okay but after this I’m clear. I owe you no marker.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “The man you’re looking for drinks in a bar called Cherries and has a thing for the younger girls. Tonight just happens to be teenybopper night.”

  “Thank you,” Zin said in response.



  “Be careful. This prick is a nasty piece of work.”

  “I will.”

  “Do you need back-up?” Prez asked.

  Zin shook his head, even though Prez couldn’t see him. “No, I have everything I need, and anyway, I thought you didn’t want to get involved.”

  “I must be going soft in my old age,” he chuckled his gravely, voice low. “Be safe brother, ride free.”

  “Ride free, brother,” Zin replied and hung up.

  He had work to do and a solo mission to plan.


  “I know, what about that girl’s night we talked about?” Lucy said excitedly as Celeste, Ava, a very shy Emme, and an over-enthusiastic Lucy sat drinking coffee in the conference room. Celeste had finished the payroll and was almost ready to leave, but Zin had disappeared into the weapons room at the end of the hall over an hour ago with Kanan following five minutes later.

  For some reason, all the hairs on her neck were standing on end. She didn’t like it. One-minute Kanan wanted to kick Zin’s ass for taking his sister to bed; the next they were holed up in a room for an hour.

  “Earth to Celeste,” Ava called, waving a hand in front of her face.

  “Oh, sorry,” she said jumping and offering a weak smile. Her hand landed on the soft fur of Samson’s mane, who was lolling on his side next to her. “What did you say?”

  “We asked if next Friday was good for you, for the girl’s night?”

  “Yeah, sure. Sounds great. I just need to go see what Zin is doing,” she said, and moved to stand but was intercepted by Lucy.

  “Leave them to bond Celeste,” she laughed and steered her back to the armchair in the corner where their impromptu meeting had taken place.

  Celeste narrowed her eyes at Lucy and scrutinised the other woman. “What’s going on? And don’t even think of lying to me,” she said as she stared the highly trained operative down, “or I swear to you I don’t care how much training you’ve had, I’m gonna kick your ass.” Celeste stood, hands on hips and glared at her friend.

  Lucy had the good grace to look contrite. Celeste almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

  “Listen, if I could tell you I would but I promised, and I take that incredibly seriously.”

  “And what about me?” Celeste asked, knowing she was aiming a low blow.

  “What about you?” Lucy asked hesitantly knowing this was a trap and not knowing how to get out of it without hurting her friend.

  “Do you take our friendship seriously?”

  “Oh, come on,” Lucy exclaimed as she stood and threw up her hands. “You know I do.”

  “So, tell me. Please, Luce. Zin is everything to me. He’s up to something I know it.” Lucy cast a look at Ava.

  “I can’t, I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Celeste shouldn’t have felt hurt, but she did, yet she respected Lucy for it too. They sat in an awkward silence before Celeste decided she needed to grow the fuck up.

  “Can I ask one thing?”

  Lucy nodded at her.

  “If it is dangerous will you go with him? I trust you, Luce. So does Zin.”

  Lucy nodded. “Of course. Zin is family. I will always have his back. But you need to know,” Lucy said as she crouched in front of Celeste, “so are you, so you need to trust me to make the right call.”

  Celeste nodded and smiled and let Lucy off the hook. “So, what do you wear to a girl’s night, and where are we going?” she grinned, and Lucy smiled back.

  “Oh, how about The Gin Bar?” Ava asked and practically jumped up and down.

  “Oooo yeah, that’s classy. There’s a cool dance floor upstairs,” Celeste answered.

  “You know Zack is going to say no, don’t you?” Lucy said.

  “You leave Zack to me.” Ava’s grin was huge, and the girls all started laughing.

  “Okay, you handle Zack. I’ll invite Skye, Lauren, Roz, and Megan,” said Lucy and clapped her hands. “Why don’t we all get ready together at the Estate?” Lucy asked.

  “Yes!” Ava cried.

  Just then Zin walked in. He made his way straight for Celeste and sat on the arm of the chair before bending down and sweeping the hair off her neck with his fingers. She shivered at the contact causing his lips to twitch in a smile.

  “Got a sec?” he asked, and her tummy twisted nervously at the words that were so simple and yet filled with something she couldn’t define and didn’t like.

  “Of course,” she answered, and she saw Zin cast Lucy a quick look. Standing she promised herself she would not make this hard for him. Whatever he was about to do, she knew it was for the greater good. She had to trust that he would keep himself safe. Taking his hand, she
let him lead her back through to the front reception which was deserted. He sat her down and pulled up a chair to sit opposite her. Clasping her hands in his, he rubbed his finger over the pulse on her wrist.

  “I have something I need to do, and I need you to trust me,” he began hesitantly, “I can’t tell you what and it’s not sanctioned by Zack, so I have no backup.”

  “Okay,” she replied as her stomach churned with fear as bits of his thoughts filtered through her mind. Her hand tightened as she saw the man who had taken her and tried hard not to react. “What about Lucy or Roz? Can’t they offer you back up?”

  “No, sweetheart. I don’t want to drag them into this. I feel bad enough about lying to Zack already.”

  “Good job Zack knows then isn’t it!” said Zack from behind him.

  Celeste and Zin turned and saw that Kanan was standing next to Zack.

  “You squealed!” Zin said incredulously, and stood, advancing on Kanan.

  Celeste rose and grabbed his arm. Zin instantly stopped his forward momentum.

  “Too fucking right, I did. I might hate you for my sister, but she clearly doesn’t, and if something happened to you, she would never forgive me for not having your back,” Kanan said as Zack stood staring at Zin his face a mask of anger.


  Zin started to speak, and Zack held up a hand. “You should have asked me. You are either part of the team, or you’re not. If you can’t accept me as your boss, then I have no place for you on the team.”

  Zin nodded. “I understand,” he replied.

  “No. No way! I’m not listening to this and neither should you K,” Lucy said as she pushed past Zack. “Zin didn’t want to do this behind your back, but I told him you would say no. He still didn’t want to do it because he didn’t want to betray you, but K and I persuaded him that it wasn’t a betrayal if we told you but after he had gone.”

  Zack looked at him then. “Is that true?”

  “Yes, but I could have said no,”

  “Why didn’t you?” Zack asked

  “You know why,” Zin replied, and his eyes landed on Celeste.

  Zack regarded him for a minute before turning to Lucy and Kanan. “Go with him, Luce. I want you as sniper covering his six, and K, you’re his close back-up.” He looked back to Zin then. “You get one free pass but only because I know what you’re going through right now. Next time,” he looked at all three of them, “I’ll doc you three month’s pay, and you will be on the shittiest jobs I can find. That said, it’s nice to see you working as a team, even if it is against me.” Zack turned then and walked right into Ava.

  “Seriously that was hot, but a little overdramatic don’t you think?’ she whispered loudly.

  Zack growled which made them all laugh. “That’s one month for laughing!” he shouted. They all groaned.

  “Right. Gear up, we don’t have long,” Zin said. “I’ll meet you in the weapons room and explain the very simple drill. Just give me a minute with my Pixie.”

  K and Lucy nodded. In seconds, Zin and Celeste were alone.

  “Let’s sit,” he said and steered her back to the chairs.

  “It’s okay hunny. I know you have to do this. I don’t like it, but I trust you,” Celeste said, and his heart hurt painfully in his chest at the faith she had in him.

  “I don’t deserve it, but thank you.”

  “Yes, you do,” she said vehemently. “I don’t know where this low opinion of yourself comes from, but it’s so wrong Zin. You have never given me any reason to think you would betray me or hurt anyone and I see more than most.”

  He pulled away from her slightly. “But you don’t see it all, Celeste.” He stood and paced, “Some of the things I’ve done….,” he trailed off as she stood and came to him but didn’t touch him.

  He saw the tears in her eyes and cursed himself for making her cry, but the faith she had in him was too much. He’d let her down. He always let people down, and then he would see the disappointment on her face.

  “We all have secrets, Zin. Things we are ashamed of, but the key is not to let them define us.”

  He couldn’t see her tears and not hold her, so he pulled her to him and held her nearly crushing her. “I just don’t want to let you down. Don’t put me on a pedestal, Pixie,” he whispered as he inhaled her scent and felt her warmth invade his bones.

  “Don’t tell me what to do!” she replied.

  Zin laughed. “Okay, Pixie I won’t.”

  She pushed back so that she could tilt her head up to him and as he looked at her beautiful open face, he vowed to try and be the man she needed and keep the darkness buried.

  “Just do what you need to do and come back to me in one piece. Everything that comes after we can deal with as long as you come back to me,” she said and then lifted on her tip-toes and kissed him hard and quick. “Now go. I’ll go back to the Estate with Zack and Ava and wait for you there.

  Relief flooded him. Knowing she would be safe would allow him to concentrate on the job at hand and the job would be dirty.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Bile filled his mouth as he watched the disgusting piece of shit, the Surgeon, as he leered at two girls on the dance floor. They couldn’t be more than fifteen years old. Zin wondered if their parents had any idea where their daughters were and that they were centimetres away from evil right now.

  He guessed not. If he ever had kids, especially girls, he would keep them locked away until they were at least thirty and then he would put trackers and a GPS on them and maybe get one of those parent cams. Fuck! What was he thinking? He had no right considering parenthood when he was about to go and torture someone.

  “Can’t I just put a nice tidy bullet in each testicle?” Lucy asked over the comms.

  Zin caught Kanan’s eye across the room and saw the eye roll. “That’s a negative,” Zin replied as he turned his head away to face the wall, so he wouldn’t look like a total weirdo talking to himself. The Surgeon was so drunk that he was making mistakes he never would have made in the early days. It made Zin suspicious. Sitting close to a window, getting drunk, had left him open to the sniper rifle that Lucy currently held on him.

  The Surgeon he knew would not make that mistake,

  “Watch your backs. I have a bad feeling this could go sideways,” he warned as he watched the Surgeon lumber his scarred fugly self towards the bathrooms.

  “Okay, remember the plan. Kanan, you follow and disable, and I’ll watch the front. Can you handle it?” K shot him the middle finger salute and strode towards the bathroom.

  Zin took a sip of the beer in front of him not tasting it as he watched the door to make sure nobody else went back there. He stood when four teenage boys headed that way and cut them off.

  “Sorry guys, you can’t go back there.” This was going to go south if the one with the big attitude and hair gelled to within an inch of its life decided to be the big man. Time to nip it in the bud now. “Unless you boys are into all boy fun if you know what I mean?” he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. He watched the boys pale and almost laughed out loud.

  “Na, no way man. We ain’t into that stuff,” he said full of bravado. They quickly turned and scurried away.

  “Nice work, Zin, but does Kanan know about his new status?” Lucy laughed in his ear.

  He didn’t have time to reply though because he was shoulder bumped as Kanan walked past him. Zin turned and slipped through the door to find the Surgeon out cold on the men’s bathroom floor. Grabbing the unconscious man, he threw him over his shoulder and walked out the front.

  “Scuse me, folks,” he said as he pushed past drunk teenagers, who moved, leaving a clear space for him. “Sorry, too much to drink,” he laughed as he walked past the bouncers and out the front door to the car that Kanan had running. Leaning in, he pushed the Surgeon into the back seat and climbed in after him.

  “That was too easy!” he stated as K drove off.

  “Not really, Zin, but we had some help from Ze
nobi,” Lucy said.

  “What the fuck?”

  “You don’t honestly think I wouldn’t tell her, do you?” Lucy said incredulously.

  “How many?” he asked as he watched the man next to him start to groan.


  “Looks like he was being watched too!”

  “Looks like it, brains,” Kanan said sardonically.

  Zin shot him a glare in the rear-view mirror and then took his anger out on the man that had caused all this and jabbed him hard in the jaw, completely forgetting his new increased strength and knocking him back into unconsciousness.

  They drove to a derelict part of the town where the only things out were rodents and scumbags who wouldn’t ask questions. The car moved past the half-burned shell of warehouses to the end of the unused trading estate and the last building. It was smaller than the others with no windows and a solid door, perfect for what he needed.

  The car came to a stop, and he and Kanan dragged the man inside, bumping his head on the pavement as they did. Quickly cutting his clothes away to increase the feeling of vulnerability and divesting him of his boots, they secured him to a chair with zip ties and gagged him.

  “You good?” Kanan asked as he opened the door to leave.

  “Yeah. Just make sure we aren’t interrupted, and the area is secure.”

  K nodded and shut the door behind him. Zin followed and locked it from inside. Zin felt his blood begin to pump through his veins faster as the adrenalin began to flood his system. In contrast, his mind quieted. He became so calm mentally that nothing could pierce it. Almost as if time slowed so he could feel and see everything, scenarios that could play out and the outcomes. It had always been the case and was probably why he had stayed alive so long.

  Lifting the heavy black holdall that contained the tools of his trade, he walked to the long table set up on the far side of the room. With precise movements he started laying things out, blades, pliers, hammer, crocodile clips, car jump leads, and a car battery. Everything he would need to make his target more amenable to talking.